So, you've got a Savage Garden Website, huh? Well, let's see how good it really is!!! Just fill out the following form and I'll review your site. Sites will be judged on the following:

Creativity - Does your site have something that sets it apart from all the others?

No Bias - Does your site show favoritism to Darren or Daniel?

Layout - Is your site easy to navigate?

Information - Is your site just recyled information, or does it have unique facts?

Time to Load - The best sites don't have to be elaborate.

And now...The Form (Asteriked elements are required. The optional stuff is for my own benefit so I know what the peeps who surf my site are like. It won't be released to anyone. I'm only 15!!!) Since I have not mastered the true Form yet, simply copy and paste these few questions to a mail document, and send it to me!!!

*Your Name:

*Your E-Mail:

*Site Title:

*URL (Address):

*A short but sweet Description of your site and why you think it deserves this award:

What's your favorite Savage Garden Song?

What country do you live in?

Thanks for taking the time to apply for my Savage Garden Web Award!!!! I should have a notice to you about if you got it or not within a week. If you didn't, well, don't take it personally or anything, but I won't e-mail you at all. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news!!!

Thanks again!!!!