I even love them enough to sit in a freezing cold car for 6 hours to mabye get to see them. Well, let me explain, heres my story..........


I had heard Savage Garden was coming to my hometown-Portland, Oregon. But then later I heard the bad news- due to some kind of curfew thing anyone under 18 has to go by, you had to be 18 or older to go. I was completley devestated. They came on December 9, 1997. I begged my mom, and we drove down to the Crystal Ballroom where they were playing in hope that mabye we would see them entering or exiting the place. So, we sat in the freezing cold car, with the rain pouring down, for an hour, since 5:30 ,and the line started to grow. Evrey van or fancy car that went by we looked at very carefully, hoping that is was them.

By around 7:00 things were getting really packed, and we turned on the radio. Duh, bad idea (I'll explain in a minute).

Then around 8:30 there were LIMOUSINES!! It excited me so so much. There were 2 or 3 diffrent ones, and I had a camera so I took pictures of the limos hoping that mabye one was Darren's and Daniel's. One pulled up right in front of our car and sat there, even after they were letting people in. I was so excited by now, and I swear I could see people moving around inside of the limo. It was big and black and looked very fancy. I took 5 pictures of it. I was soooo anxous now.

Then a security guard walked op to the drivers side and said something to the driver, and the security guy came up to our car and asked how long we were going to be here. My mom explained that I liked Savage Garden but couldn't go because I was under 18, and we were hoping to see them mabye. The guy looked at us weird and looked back at the limousine and said ok. Phew, I thought he was going to make us leave. Then he walked back to the limo and said something to the driver and looked at us, then walked back to the building. The limousine pulled away 5 minutes later.

That was when my mom decided to drive us home, it was getting late, so we started the car, or tried to at least. We had wasted all the batteries on the radio!!!! The car wouldn't start. My brother and mom got really worried because we wern't in the best part of town, and we couldnt leave the car there overnight.

We got out and walked to the music store across the street and called my dad to come and jump the car.

When we were walking back I saw that limo again!!!! I didn't care if it was Savage Garden, I waved at it and was smiling and stuff. It went right in front of me, and their WAS someone in the car. Whether it was Savage Garden or someone else I will never know. When we got back to the car we sat there for around a half hour. Then I heard Savage Garden playing. I could hear them all the way out here!!! I was totally freezing my butt off and felt sick and it was around 10 or 11 I think and I was sooooo tired, by the time my dad came. but it was all worth it, just because I heard Savage Garden singing, and mabe just mabe the person in the limo was Darren or Daniel. When I got home I listend to Z100 and the DJ that was at the concert said that they were playing Truly Madly Deeply, and I was so tired I fell asleep right there!


~Jesica G.