1. Thou shalt carry on dancing to Savage Garden for years to come.
2. If ever anyone tries to remove a Savage Garden album from your stereo, thou shalt scream, "MINE!!!!!!! I need this music all around me!!!!!"
3. Thou feels the need to fly either Darren, Daniel, or both to the moon & back at any given moment.
4. Thou shalt convince whoever thou art currently dating that "truly, madly, deeply" is "your song."
5. Thou shalt cry tears of pearls if thou misses Savage Garden on their upcoming tour.
6. If anyone tries to break or shake either Darren or Daniel, thou shalt do everything in your power to prevent it.
7. A thousand words shalt not express the depth of your love for Savage Garden.
8. Thou shalt be dressed in violet, blue, or black at all times.
9. Thou shalt not make any false promises about thou's devotion to Savage Garden.
10. I Want You shalt be thou's anthem of respect that thou must sing before listening to any Savage Garden recording or going to any Savage Garden concert. (Hey! They desrve the proper respect!!)